ERTC Experts Phone

(800) 238-1879

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ERTC (Employee Retention Tax Credit)?
The ERTC, or Employee Retention Tax Credit, is a tax credit provided by the United States Treasury to help eligible employers keep employees on their payroll during certain challenging periods. Learn more
Why hadn’t I heard about ERTC before?
ERTC is claimed directly through the U.S. Treasury, unlike the PPP that was heavily marketed by the SBA. Along with our preparation partners, it’s our mission to educate you and help you obtain the business the payroll tax refund that you’re entitled to if you qualify.
Who is eligible for the ERTC?
Eligible employers include those who experienced a significant decline in gross receipts or were fully or partially suspended due to government orders during specified timeframes.
How much can I get per employee?
The ERTC is worth up to 70% of qualified wages, with a maximum credit of $26,000 per employee per quarter.
Can I claim the ERTC for all my employees?
Yes, you can claim the ERTC for all qualified employees, regardless of the size of your business.
Will I have to pay this back?
Unlike PPP, this is not a loan.  This is money for your business and completely up to you on how you use it.
What is your fee and when do we pay it?
There are no upfront fees.  We will provide a flat rate after analyzing your eligibility.  You will not have to dip into your own pocket for a fee.
How long will it take to get my refund?
Our service provides quick refunds. You can expect a portion of your refund within 7 weeks after submission, and the balance of your refund within an additional 4 weeks.
Can I earn more cash while awaiting my refund?
You sure can!  Refer your friends to us and you can earn money on every successfully qualified application.
Why do I need your services?  Why can’t I apply myself?
There are over seventy thousand (70,000) pages of tax code; it’s nearly impossible to be an expert on all of them.  ERTC is all we do.  By concentrating on this program, our CPAs understand the intricacies and nuances involved in your eligibility and accurately calculating and submitting your refunds.
Will you work with my CPA to claim the ERTC?
Absolutely.  We’re happy to work with your CPA and attorneys.  Our skilled tax professionals are highly qualified and trained on complex ERTC tax code and will partner with your CPA to ensure your business if qualified.
What if I claimed PPP, can I still qualify for ERTC?
The short answer is yes.  Although, it depends on many factors.  You cannot claim ERTC on wages paid with the funds from a forgiven PPP loan.  Talk to our tax experts and they can guide you through this.
How do I apply for the ERTC?
Simply fill out our form and one of our certified tax CPAs will reach out to guide you through qualifying and procuring your FREE payroll tax refund estimate.